Is your hack still a Novice?

Read this excerpt from the AHSA Ltd Competition Rule book to find out if your Arabian show horse is still a novice…

Do you wonder what the definition of a Maiden hack is? Or maybe a Newcomer?

Wonder no more. Below is an excerpt from the AHSA Ltd Competition Rule Book to help solve the riddle.

23.1 NEWCOMER: A horse that has not competed under saddle (with the exception of Racing/Endurance) in any State/Territory in which the horse resides and is registered prior to the 1st January of the calendar year they are competing in. A Pony that has only competed in Leading Rein or Miniature Turnouts and has not competed off the lead is eligible to be considered a Newcomer. A horse that has competed in breed classes under saddle prior to the determined date is not eligible to be considered a Newcomer. To be ridden in a snaffle bit.

23.2 MAIDEN HACK: is a hack which has not won a first place in an individual Hack Class at any Show at the closing date of entry. To be ridden in a simple snaffle bit

23.3 NOVICE : A horse’s eligibility is graded according the show. To be ridden in a snaffle bit.
a) A horse that wins any like class at an A class show or a Championship at a B Class show is not eligible as a Novice at a B or A class event. However, is still eligible as a Novice at a AA class show.
b) A Horse that wins any like class at a AA show, EA Show, SHC Show or Royal is not eligible for Novice at any show.
Note: All English Classes are like classes – Any shows not listed above or graded A or AA is classified as a B show.

23.4 INTERMEDIATE: A horse’s eligibility is graded according the show. To be ridden in a double or snaffle bridle. Intermediate Saddle horses should not be penalized for showing in a snaffle bridle.
a) A horse that has won 2 Champions or a Supreme Champion in any like class at a B class show is no longer eligible for Intermediate at B show.
b) A horse that wins a Champion in any like class at an A Class show is not eligible for Intermediate at an A or B Class Show.
c) A horse that wins a Champion in any like class at a AA show, EA Show, SHC Show or Royal is not eligible for Intermediate at any Show
Note: All English Classes are like classes – Any shows not listed above or graded A or AA is classified as a B show.

23.5 OPEN HACK: is a class open to all horses. A higher level of education may be expected in this event. To be ridden in a double or snaffle bridle. Open Saddle horses should not be penalised for showing in a snaffle bridle.

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