Our AGM will be held at Centreline Arabians, 95 Lowood Minden Road Tarampa Q 4311. The meeting will comence at 10am.
Nominations are called for vacancies on the Managment Committee. There are 6 vacancies. Current memebrs Shannon Parry and Janice O’Connor are standing for re-election. Please refer to the Associations Rules covering eligibilty to Nominate for the Management Committee and Vote at the Annual General Meeting, detailed below.
All forms are attached here.
Light refreshments will be available on the day.
Come and support your Association in the beautiful country surrounds of the Somerset region.
The Arabian Horse Association of Qld Inc. Promoting the Arabian Horse and it’s derivatives in Queensland.
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Arabian Horse Association (Qld) Inc ABN 61 451 449 284
Date: Sunday 19th May 2024
Time: 10:00am
Place: 95 Lowood Minden Road, TARAMPA Q 4311
Matters for the AGM as per the Agenda available for download from the Associations website:
1. Acceptance of previous AGM records –available to download from Association website
2. Presentation of Management Committee and Auditor Reports for the 2023 Year – available to download from the Associations website
3. Vote new members to the Management Committee.
4. Appointment of Auditor
5. Appointment of Honorary Solicitor
Notes to the Nomination and Election of Management Committee Members
Under the Rules of the Association, committee members are elected for a period of two years with half the committee standing down each year. This is to ensure continuity of knowledge, experience, and processes and events under way.
Only current financial members of the AHAQ Inc. may be nominated for membership of the Management Committee with a current financial member as proposer. Nomination forms are available to download from the Association’s website. Completed forms must be emailed to secretary@ahaq.asn.au by the 10th of May 2024.
Apologies should be emailed to secretary@ahaq.asn.au by the 15th of May 2024.
Financial members may appoint 1 financial member to act as their proxy if they are unable to attend the meeting in person. Proxy forms are available to download from the Association’s website.
Completed Proxy forms must be emailed to secretary@ahaq.asn.au by the 15th of February 2024.
If more nominations are received than vacancies, an election will be held on the day. Only 1 (one) vote per eligible financial Membership is accepted. If there are insufficient nominations received, nominations may be taken from the floor.
Office bearers, that is the 4-member executive of the Management Committee, are elected by the Management Committee at the first management meeting held after the AGM.